Animal Sanctuaries
provide safe havens for animals
where people can appreciate them
as the unique individuals they are
Dig Deeper with UR IMPACT
Animal sanctuaries provide a place for us humans to regain our humanity.
Sanctuaries show how animals can live a happy and fulfilling life when they are treated with proper respect and care. They show the individual personality of each unique being, and the wonder and curiosity in their eyes and hearts - no different than in each of us.
So few of us are directly exposed to animals used for food and don’t recognize them as individuals. Bridging the connection that much of our food comes from animals that were once someone - not something - helps personalize farmed animals.
If you ever have an opportunity, visit an animal sanctuary and spend some time with the beautiful creatures and enjoy the compassion you feel.
It is a man's sympathy with all creatures that first makes him truly a man. - Albert Schweitzer
Dig Deeper with UR IMPACT
Learn about different animals
Lucy is friendly, inquisitive and has a big personality! It is clear how much she enjoys her life. She loves to run. When Sue was rescued, Lucy took her on as an apprentice and showed her how to live her best life.
Pigs can recognize their names within weeks of being born. They regularly communicate with one another using over 20 vocalizations that indicate mood.
Chai is the spunkiest of the group. She’s talkative and often runs up to visitors in hopes of getting pets and chatting.
A turkey’s emotions vary widely and dictate the color and vibrancy of their heads. Colors can change from white to blue to red, depending on their excitement level. The more intense the colors, the more intense their emotions are.
Paco is curious and precocious, yet fun loving as he can be found chasing friends around the pastures and always wondering when his next carrot is coming from.
Llamas are very social and will even adopt sheep or goats as their own herd. Then they will protect the herd by chasing off coyotes and other predators.
Farley is quite the thoughtful gentleman. He is a timid boy who likes to hang alone or trail behind Walter. While he likes attention, he's a bit socially awkward and never seems to know how to ask for it!
Donkeys are stoic, pragmatic and intelligent. Because donkeys are so smart, they have surprising reasoning abilities and must be shown not just how to do something, but why they should do it.