A Plant-based diet helps reduce inflammation and injuries and accelerate recovery
Plant-based diets help the body recover optimally from hard workouts, intense physical exertion, muscle soreness and injuries.
Compared with meat-eaters, people eating a plant-based diet get more antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals. Free radicals lead to muscle fatigue, reduced athletic performance, and impaired recovery.
Antioxidants are far more abundant in plants than animals simply because the majority of them are vitamins and minerals. Micronutrients are significantly degraded in the digestive tract of an animal.
Switching to a plant based diet can reduce inflammation by 29% in just 3 weeks.
Meat consumption and high cholesterol levels aggravate inflammation, which can result in pain and impair athletic performance and recovery.
A whole-food, plant-based diet has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Because plants are typically high in complex carbohydrates, they foster effective glycogen storage.
“The actual energy for exercise comes mainly from carbohydrates. When we sacrifice carb calories for protein calories it leads to chronic fatigue, loss of strength, loss of stamina,” says Dr. James Loomis.
Plants use the same twenty amino acids that humans and animals do to build their proteins. All plants contain all of the nine essential amino acids.
All animals ultimately get their protein from plants, whether directly or indirectly through the food chain. A diet with a diversity of whole-foods will naturally give a solid balance of essential amino acids, promote muscle growth and accelerate recovery.
The health benefits of eating plant-based include:
Plants are abundant in antioxidants.
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals
Free radicals lead to muscle fatigue, reduced athletic performance, and impaired recovery
Plant-based diets reduce inflammation, enhance muscle growth and accelerate flexibility